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Our History

North Olmsted Junior Women's Club was founded in 1943 by Mrs. Gerald Rankin "to enable young homemakers to take an active part in the life of the community".  How far we have come!  We are mothers, business-women, career-leading individuals that continue to take an active part in the life of the community. 

In 2023 we celebrated our 80 year anniversary! 

To read the original letter written by Mrs. Rankin, click here.


Check out our historical scrapbooks that have been preserved in digital format. Hope you enjoy learning about our history!

80 Yr Anniversary.jpg



The record of a year at North Olmsted Junior Women's Club: "To create enthusiasm for civic welfare and educational work"

Click the book to open it!

"Sow Seeds of Service Today, For a Better Community of Tomorrow"

"We seek the wealth of life and learning... by following the rainbow road to friendship"

1981-1982 Cover.jpg

"Celebrating the fiftieth year of service to the community, thanks to all members, past and present, who have given freely of their time and resources to help improve the quality of life for others."

1993-1994 Cover (3).jpg

Historian Books

We have preserved these historical artifacts starting with a letter from our Founder, Mrs. Gerald Rankin, written in 1958. What a treasure trove of information throughout the decades!

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Over the years, many awards were received from the Ohio Federation of Women's Clubs.  Click the book to see them!

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